PY4: Human genetic exert more influences on intelligence than the environmental factor.
Thursday 1100-1230 B110A (04/03/2010)
PY5 as guest (CNY replacement)
PY5: Society must maintain distinct gender roles in order to foster optimal social and emotional development in children.
Thursday 1230-1400 B110A (04/03/2010)
PY3 as guest (CNY replacement)
PY1: High quality day care program (centre) is a good substitute for parental care.
Thursday 1700-1830 B101A (04/03/2010)
PY2 as guest (CNY replacement)
PY2: Human genetic exert more influences on intelligence than the environmental factor.
Friday 0900-1030 B209B (05/03/2010)
PY4 as guest (CNY replacement)
PY3: Society must maintain distinct gender roles in order to foster optimal social and emotional development in children.
Friday 1400-1530 B203B (05/03/2010)
PY1 as guest (CNY replacement)
*Each tutorial needs to pick one other tutorial to attend as the replacement for CNY week's cancellation.
Time for T2 should be 0930-1100, not 0900-1030 at B209B, because T2 got class at 0800-0930.